
陈昊1,2, 谭晓风1,2,*
中南林业科技大学1经济林培育与保护省部共建教育部重点实验室, 2经济林育种与栽培国家林业局重点实验室, 长沙410004

通信作者:谭晓风;E-mail: tanxiaofengcn@126.com;Tel: 0731-85623416

摘 要:

转录组研究一直是生命科学研究的一个重要方向, 在第二代测序技术问世以前, 已经产生了一些行之有效的转录组研究方法, 但这些方法存在一定的局限性。第二代测序技术的出现不仅使转录组研究很快进入了高速发展期, 同时也为遗传资源的挖掘提供了一套全新的技术平台。本文简要介绍了第二代测序技术的化学原理和特性, 重点阐述了利用第二代测序技术进行转录组测序, 从而在此基础上挖掘遗传资源的研究。

关键词:第二代测序技术; 化学原理; 转录组测序; 遗传资源

收稿:2014-03-18   修定:2014-06-19


Excavation of Genic Resources Based on Next Generation Sequencing Technologies

CHEN Hao1,2, TAN Xiao-Feng1,2,*
1The Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Protection for Non-wood Forest Trees, Ministry of Education, 2The Key Laboratory of Non-wood Forest Products of State Forestry Administration, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China

Corresponding author: TAN Xiao-Feng; E-mail: tanxiaofengcn@126.com; Tel: 0731-85623416


Transcriptome research has been an important part of life science research. Several effective methods used in transcriptome research have been developed before the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies. However, these methods have some limitations in transcriptome researches. The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies not only prompt transcriptome researches into a high-speed development period but also introduce a whole new technology platform into studies of excavating genetic resources. This review briefly introduced the chemical principles and features of next-generation sequencing technologies and focused on summarizing the excavation of genetic resources based on the transcriptome sequencing using next-generation sequencing technologies.

Key words: next-generation sequencing technologies; chemical principles; transcriptome sequencing; genetic resources

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